
Complying with laws, regulations and corporate guidelines, promoting an ethical corporate culture, and strengthening trustful relationships with our business partners – all employees of the Bertelsmann Printing Group are committed to these guiding principles of entrepreneurial action. To ensure compliance, our parent company has established a compliance organization and an Integrity & Compliance program.

Ein Block mit dekorativem Schriftzug "Compliance"

Everything you need to know about compliance at Bertelsmann, our compliance organization, and the Group’s Integrity & Compliance Program can be found here.

Zwei blaue Hefte mit dem Schriftzug "Code of Conduct"

The Bertelsmann Code of Conduct is our guideline for legally compliant and ethical behavior in the company. It is binding for every employee, worldwide.

Mann sitzt am Laptop

If employees, business partners and customers have questions or comments on the topic of Integrity & Compliance, they can use our Speak-Up channels to communicate confidentially and securely.